
An Unexpected Perspective of the Crucifixion

An Unexpected Perspective of the Crucifixion

I’m experimenting a bit this week and instead of typing out the Scripture, I’ve taken screen shots from my ESV Study Bible (by permission) and highlighted words that came alive to me as I read them. I would encourage you to get your Bible out, too. There’s something about the tangibleness of paper and the texture of the pages that offer us an unexpected perspective.

3 Essential Lessons I Learned in 2018

3 Essential Lessons I Learned in 2018

I'm not into New Year resolutions. Mainly because they set our human flesh up for disappointment and failure and I've pretty much got that covered for life. However, these last few years I've had a word. Not a goal, not a resolute, but a single word the Lord etched on my soul.

But, before I share my word, let me first reflect on 2018. Specifically, a few lessons He taught me (some of them the hard way)…