new year

Seeking Wholeness: Christ's Melody in the Song of Songs

Seeking Wholeness: Christ's Melody in the Song of Songs

Around Thanksgiving, I decided our next blog study would be Song of Songs. The book of Revelation intimidates most Bible teachers. Hear me when I say this: I'd write Revelation 5x before the Song of Songs. The Song is not just about sex; it is about love. It is not only about bodies; it is about whole persons [Ryken]. We have an intense desire for love, a passion that mirrors a more significant and more profound hunger for God's love. It seems unattainable for me to grasp how these eight chapters describe my relationship with God.

3 Essential Lessons I Learned in 2018

3 Essential Lessons I Learned in 2018

I'm not into New Year resolutions. Mainly because they set our human flesh up for disappointment and failure and I've pretty much got that covered for life. However, these last few years I've had a word. Not a goal, not a resolute, but a single word the Lord etched on my soul.

But, before I share my word, let me first reflect on 2018. Specifically, a few lessons He taught me (some of them the hard way)…