
SONday is Here. He is Risen! John 8:21-59

SONday is Here. He is Risen! John 8:21-59

As we continue through John 8 and celebrate SONday (Resurrection Sunday), these latter verses fit in perfectly, starting in verse 21 when Jesus talks to the crowd about Him “going away” (His death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven)…

3 Essential Lessons I Learned in 2018

3 Essential Lessons I Learned in 2018

I'm not into New Year resolutions. Mainly because they set our human flesh up for disappointment and failure and I've pretty much got that covered for life. However, these last few years I've had a word. Not a goal, not a resolute, but a single word the Lord etched on my soul.

But, before I share my word, let me first reflect on 2018. Specifically, a few lessons He taught me (some of them the hard way)…

He's Ready For Your Decision

He's Ready For Your Decision

We’re going to learn in Ruth 1 how Ruth’s decision was a picture of God’s grace. Ruth was a Gentile (non-Jewish) woman who didn’t know the Lord; yet, despite her difficult trials and heartache she clung to Naomi and was determined to accompany her (verse 18). Ruth’s loyalty to Naomi is a parallel picture of how we are to respond to Christ by saying, “I will not leave you, Lord. Wherever you go, I will go.”