
Ecclesiastes 8: This World Is Broken

Ecclesiastes 8: This World Is Broken

If you're not following along on Instagram or Facebook, be sure to do so. We've been working through Proverbs 3 lately, which contains six sets of instructions. Each section includes a call to act in wisdom. It's an appeal for living in the Light, fearing the Lord in all respects, and it ties closely to both Ecclesiastes 7 and 8.

Where's God in a Broken World?

Ecclesiastes is a hard read. It would not make the list of "Top 10 Happiest Books" because it has streaks of pessimism, frustration, confusion, and weariness. Because of this, we're going to study it in this season of cynicism, defeat, uncertainty, and fatigue.

Why Self-Help Doesn't Really Help

Why Self-Help Doesn't Really Help

The self-improvement market was worth $9.9 billion in 2016 (thanks to a little research data). Did you know you can think and grow rich and only work 4 hours each week? Since you’ve freed up so much time because you’re highly effective, you can have your cheese moved, be an untethered soul, learn the 48 laws of power, understand big magic, and wash your face! Or, you can figure out the sacred secret now…

Burn Baby Burn

Burn Baby Burn

In this precise moment, God is ready to use the book of James to teach, rebuke, correct, and train you for His purpose. You are a beautiful instrument for Him – let perseverance finish its work in you (James 1:4) and read James 3.

A Remedy for Itchy Ears

A Remedy for Itchy Ears

We live in a world that loves to market that positive self-talk, feel-good, “live a happy life” message. It’s on the radio, in the bookstore, and touted from the pulpit because it’s what our itching ears want to hear. It’s a “light and fat-free” message of comfort, and it is exactly the noise that Satan wants us to hear.

Exodus 35: A Restful and Willing Heart

In Exodus chapter 34, the Sabbath was mentioned, and in chapter 35, it is again re-emphasized. Anytime we hear or read something repeatedly, it should give us pause. As Margaret Feinberg puts it in her book The Sacred Echo, "When God really wants to get your attention, he doesn’t just say something once, he echoes. He speaks through a Sunday sermon, a chance conversation with a friend the next day, and even a random email. The same theme, idea, impression, or lesson will repeat itself in surprising and unexpected ways until you realize that maybe, just maybe, God is at work." Let's study Exodus 35 together today and listen for His echos. 

Exodus 31: Rest, Oh My Soul

There were many preparations and details to follow in constructing the tabernacle, and God knew that the Sabbath must be kept or the work would become a distraction instead of an outlet of His glory. What distracts you from spending time with Him? These distractions may not be inherently sinful – but they can be unnecessary or imbalanced. Make a conscious and intentional decision to choose what is better.

Exodus 18: Be Ye Wise

God has placed godly guardrails in our lives to keep us from falling into the ditch. Allow the individual(s) whom God has placed in your life to guide you. Proverbs 11:4 reminds us there is safety in a multitude of counselors. Surround yourself with those who fear God; absorb and act upon their wisdom, just as Moses did. And don’t forget: true wisdom always aligns with His Word.