
How To Study Your Bible With God: Hosea 6

How To Study Your Bible With God: Hosea 6

Two of the most frequent comments or questions I receive are:

  1. How do I study the Bible?

  2. How can I have a deeper understanding of God's Word?

This week, I'll attempt to offer perspective and ideas around both questions by providing you insights around how you can study the Bible with God.

Burn Baby Burn

Burn Baby Burn

In this precise moment, God is ready to use the book of James to teach, rebuke, correct, and train you for His purpose. You are a beautiful instrument for Him – let perseverance finish its work in you (James 1:4) and read James 3.

A Remedy for Itchy Ears

A Remedy for Itchy Ears

We live in a world that loves to market that positive self-talk, feel-good, “live a happy life” message. It’s on the radio, in the bookstore, and touted from the pulpit because it’s what our itching ears want to hear. It’s a “light and fat-free” message of comfort, and it is exactly the noise that Satan wants us to hear.

Exodus 31: Rest, Oh My Soul

There were many preparations and details to follow in constructing the tabernacle, and God knew that the Sabbath must be kept or the work would become a distraction instead of an outlet of His glory. What distracts you from spending time with Him? These distractions may not be inherently sinful – but they can be unnecessary or imbalanced. Make a conscious and intentional decision to choose what is better.