beloved disciple

An Unexpected Perspective of the Crucifixion

An Unexpected Perspective of the Crucifixion

I’m experimenting a bit this week and instead of typing out the Scripture, I’ve taken screen shots from my ESV Study Bible (by permission) and highlighted words that came alive to me as I read them. I would encourage you to get your Bible out, too. There’s something about the tangibleness of paper and the texture of the pages that offer us an unexpected perspective.

Who Jesus Is: The Fourth Gospel + Giveaway Time!

Who Jesus Is: The Fourth Gospel + Giveaway Time!

The beloved disciple, John, writes a profound story that is both simple and deep. He doesn’t tell us much about himself, but he tells us plenty about who Jesus is. What a beautiful picture of the life we are to lead on this earth…

Also, I thought it’d be fun to start 2019 off with a groovy GIVEAWAY. I’m currently reading The Beloved Disciple: Following John to the Heart of Jesus by Beth Moore…