Seeing Jesus Through Fear, Anxiety, and Discouragement

Seeing Jesus Through Fear, Anxiety, and Discouragement

This chapter is a word for the discouraged. The broken. The weak.

John 9 was orchestrated from the beginning for the ones who have been told they’re not enough. That they’ll never make it. For people who’ve been talked down to, pushed aside, and told to leave. This study is for the believers who believe they made one choice, and it cost them an irredeemable life…

Misfits of Society: John 8:1-20

Misfits of Society: John 8:1-20

In some of the ancient manuscripts, John 7:53-8:11 is not found. Where it is found, it is not always in this location in John’s gospel. Even if you believe it’s a misfit passage, I’m thankful that God has continually shown Himself to misfits of society (i.e., me). May that be an encouragement to you as you consider your own caste system.