
Forget Captain Kirk. God says, "Shields Up!"

Forget Captain Kirk. God says, "Shields Up!"

Using His mighty hand, God engraves His word on our hearts. Last week, expect, hope, and courage were emphasized. As we study chapter 2, He’ll teach us more. His Word is alive and active (see Hebrews 4:12), so we can fully trust that He’ll add new truths to etch onto our hearts as we seek to know Him more. Let’s find out what He has to say this week…

Exodus 26: Diverse, Yet Unified

The Tabernacle was to be a single unit. It had diverse structures and parts, but cohesively came together into one. Division and hatred have been in the current events spotlight recently, and I'm not going to recount those headlines or draw attention to them. Regardless of what is happening in these final days, as believers, we know where to fix, fasten, and focus our eyes: the unified Trinity