
He's Worth It.

He's Worth It.

Every morning God whispers – in same way or another – “make space for Me.” He wants us to ensure we have a prepared room for him, just like Paul encouraged Philemon to prepare a guest room for his visit. How does your room look for Christ? Is there “white space” in your day? Is it clutter-free so God has a place to sit? Is there room in the margins for you to allow Him to pen you notes? He’s worth your time. He’s worth your day. He’s worth your life. Christ died for you. It’s time to live for Him.

Are You Worth Your Salt?

Are You Worth Your Salt?

Seems like we just kicked-off Colossians yesterday, but I **blinked** and this week we wrap up with a short 18 verse study. Beginning in early May we will do a quick stint in Philemon and read of Paul’s plea for his friend, Onesimus (Philemon is only one chapter, and it’s the final of Paul’s Prison Epistles).    

A Remedy for Itchy Ears

A Remedy for Itchy Ears

We live in a world that loves to market that positive self-talk, feel-good, “live a happy life” message. It’s on the radio, in the bookstore, and touted from the pulpit because it’s what our itching ears want to hear. It’s a “light and fat-free” message of comfort, and it is exactly the noise that Satan wants us to hear.

The 4 E's of Fierce Living

The 4 E's of Fierce Living

This week we conclude the book of Ephesians. We’ve studied it for six weeks – verse-by-verse and chapter by chapter. Next week, we’ll continue our journey studying the Prison Epistles, which Paul wrote, and turn our attention to Colossians. But until then, chapter 6 of Ephesians is hard not to love because it contains practical instructions on how to act (and the world could use more of that these days!).

A Moment with the Messiah: Day 21

No matter how you choose to celebrate Christ this season, let the Messiah–not the mayhem–reign in your heart. May you be richly blessed in Him!

Read: Titus 3:3—7

3 At one time we too were foolishdisobedientdeceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. 4 But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared5 he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, 6 whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, 7 so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life. 

Reflect: So often, religions try to tack on extra to-dos we must accomplish or achieve in order to be “good” and receive Christ’s acceptance. But Titus 3 reminds us that we’re all “foolish, disobedient, deceived, and enslaved.” There is no righteousness in us, but God–in His kindness and love–sent Jesus. Don’t undermine grace–there’s nothing you can add to it so you’re found worthy of salvation. Simply accept it as a free gift and let God be magnified.

Respond: Loving Father, it says in 1 John 4:8 that You are love. This is difficult for my feeble mind to comprehend. Therefore, I choose to stand in awe of the unknown and ask for You to continue to expand my understanding of the width, height, and depth of Your love (Ephesians 3:18).

Tot Time: God is kind and He is love. Ask your tots, “What these two words mean? How can we show kindness and love to others?”

Exodus 20: Law v. Grace

Exodus 20: Law v. Grace

Be Moses today. You have the opportunity to approach God’s throne freely and with confidence (Hebrews 4:16). Most of the world today – even Christians – are standing at a distance. Be the one person who chooses to go into the thickness with God. It is in God’s thickness that our troubles become muted, the chaos lessens, and the distractions diminish.Enjoy the Lord’s great love and peace enveloped around you!

Exodus 17: Raise The Banner

Exodus 17: Raise The Banner

When we’re young in our relationship with Christ, this “give me” attitude that the Israelites had is common. But God doesn’t want us to stay young in our faith – He desires us to grow. First Peter 2:2 says, “as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby, if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious.” We are to desire the Word just as a baby desires milk. Let's read on...

Meditations from John 15:10: Linking Love and Obedience

Meditations from John 15:10: Linking Love and Obedience

This week, there is a tiny but powerful word used: if. First, let’s make it clear that God’s love for us is not conditional. He gave an eternal gift willingly through the death and resurrection of Christ. However, it’s important to note that as believers, there is a link between love and obedience. Christ’s love for us drove Him to action. Love cannot exist without action.  

Meditations from John 15:9: Dwell Richly

Meditations from John 15:9: Dwell Richly

The word love – mentioned three times in this single verse – has a powerful root. Love, in this context, translates to agape in the Greek. Agape is unconditional love – it requires nothing in return and abounds in grace (undeserved favor). We could read the verse like this: “As the Father has unconditionally loved Me, so I deeply love you with a love that requires nothing in return. Now dwell richly in My abounding grace.”