
Black Trash Bags: Week 9 in Nehemiah

Black Trash Bags: Week 9 in Nehemiah

When I was young, my Grandma would come over every couple of months and help me clean my room, go through my clothes, and so forth. One time, we had it all nice and tidy. Which was good because I was ready to go outside and play. She then said, "Well, we just need to check under the bed, and then we'll be done." I quickly explained that the black trash bag under my bed was a science project and she should just leave it alone.

Ascending The Throne: Week 5 in Nehemiah

Ascending The Throne: Week 5 in Nehemiah

At the end of chapter 4, there was a cry of victory. Every person was doing God's work through His enabling power. However, in chapter 5, the tone changes, and there begins to be strife among God's people. Nehemiah teaches us how to respond in these moments of despair and difficulty.

Plow Your Ground: Hosea 10

Plow Your Ground: Hosea 10

This week, we finish up God's sentence on sinful Israel. Don't be discouraged—His tender mercies and pronunciation of love are coming! His unfailing love for us is at the ready, but we cannot receive God's love when we're unwilling to turn from our sin. Let’s learn this week how we can tend to the soil of our heart and reap His blessing.

One of the most terrible passages in Scripture...

One of the most terrible passages in Scripture...

Even though William Barclay said, “This is one of the most terrible passages in scripture” regarding Hebrews 6:4-8, it comes with hope (hope is the absolute expectation of coming good). Press on, friends. He’s going to respond to you and teach you so you “know Him better” (Ephesians 1:17).