
Practicing the Presence of God: Psalm 25

Practicing the Presence of God: Psalm 25

Psalm 25:3 is a reminder that you will not be ignored if you wait on Him. Sure, the world is bustling about you and making their wish lists and accruing rusty treasures. However, you, beloved, need to wait. To breathe. To close your eyes and picture in your mind your ideal, creation-filled space. To feel the breeze, hear the stream, and feel the soft grass beneath your hands. And, sit.

How To Study Your Bible (John 14)

How To Study Your Bible (John 14)

You’re in for some extra fun today. I’m going to leverage John 14 to help you learn how to study your Bible. I’ll share a few of my study tips to help you grow closer to Him—no PhD or theology degree required!