John the Baptist

You Are Nothing: John 5

You Are Nothing: John 5

This is the truth He continues to pack down into my soul…

Who Jesus Is: The Fourth Gospel (John 3)

Who Jesus Is: The Fourth Gospel (John 3)

“If we were asked to read to a dying man who did not know the gospel, we should probably select this chapter as the most suitable one for such an occasion; and what is good for dying men is good for us all, for that which we are; and how soon we may be actually at the gates of death, none of us can tell.” ~Charles Spurgeon

Christmas Quiet: DAY 1

Christmas Quiet: DAY 1

Are you looking for a simple way to invite Christ into your Christmas? Join us between now and December 25. I will be publishing brief, daily readings so we don’t fail to use this sacred Christmas season to be still and reclaim the quiet. Today, my family is reading...