
“…I saw the sovereign master seated on a high, elevated throne. The hem of his robe filled the temple.” —Isaiah 6:1

I love the imagery of the Bible. This verse speaks triumphantly about the vastness of our God and Creator. “The hem of his rob filled the temple.” Picture that with me for just a moment…our supreme Lord sitting on His throne and the hem of His robe – just the hem – filled the temple.

I read Psalm 139:5 this morning during my (extra early) quiet time (thank you, sleepless Sunday night) and it talked about being hemmed in (protected) by God. What an extravagant visual of the hem of His majestic robe, and how I am tucked away safely in it.

You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me.

So often we try to place parameters on God. We try to cram Him into a manageable size we can somewhat fathom and we forget that God cannot be contained. Why do we limit Him, as if He’s not big enough? As if He’s not mighty enough. Or even worse, that He doesn’t care enough.

I’ve had the song Bigger Than I Thought by Passion Conferences on my playlist. I pray you take a few minutes and shut off everything else to allow the lyrics minister to your weary heart. He’s bigger than you think, beloved.

Speak to me
When the silence steals my voice
You understand me
You understand me

Come to me
In the valley of unknowns
You understand me
You understand me
You understand me, God
You understand me
