Meditations from John 15:9: Dwell Richly

“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.” John 15:9

The word love – mentioned three times in this single verse – has a powerful root. Love, in this context, translates to agape in the Greek. Agape is unconditional love – it requires nothing in return and abounds in grace (undeserved favor). We could read the verse like this: “As the Father has unconditionally loved Me, so I deeply love you with a love that requires nothing in return. Now dwell richly in My abounding grace.”


God Almighty, we lift our eyes to heaven in awe of Your unmerited favor. You bestow on us Your continual flow of grace and we are forever grateful.


Lover of our soul, sometimes we want to add works to Your free gift of grace. Forgive us for trying to humanize a divine gift by slapping on rules and tacking on regulations. We know that Your grace is sufficient for our messy lives and we choose today to follow You.


Lord, help us to dwell richly in your abounding grace each day. Amen.